--| References: local _Players = game:GetService("Players"); local _ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"); local _RemoteEvents = _ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvents"); local _DamageEnemyEvent = _RemoteEvents:WaitForChild("DamageEnemy"); local _Player = _Players.LocalPlayer; local _Tool = script.Parent; local _Configuration = _Tool:WaitForChild("Configuration"); local _Damage = _Configuration:WaitForChild("Damage"); local _CriticalDamage = _Configuration:WaitForChild("CriticalDamage"); local _Blade = _Tool:WaitForChild("Blade"); local _Animations = _Tool:WaitForChild("Animations"); --| Variables: local _Equipped = false; local _Debounce = false; --| Cached Functions: local random = math.random; --| Functions: local function Clicked() if _Equipped and not _Debounce then _Debounce = true; local _Character = _Tool.Parent; --Make a random animation selector print(_Character.Humanoid.Name); local AnimTrack = _Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(_Animations.SwordSlash1); AnimTrack:Play(); wait(0.7); _Debounce = false; end end local function Equipped() _Equipped = true; end local function Unequipped() _Equipped = false; end --| Function Connections: _Tool.Activated:connect(Clicked) _Tool.Equipped:connect(Equipped); _Tool.Unequipped:connect(Unequipped);
This script is a local script inside of a tool. When I test it, it doesn't display any errors and so I'm wondering why the animation doesn't play. If anyone can help me out that would be great. Thanks!
It's most likely your animation as the code is flawless and amazing looking.