I've already made a "Lightning bolt" which is just a long cilinder part that I've Inserted into Replicated Storage Called "LightningBolt"
Inside the Starter GUI I put this script in a local script
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait() local Remote = ReplicatedStorage.LightningEvent local Mouse = plr:GetMouse() local Debounce = true local Key = 'E' local Animation = Instance.new("Animation") Animation.AnimationId = 'rbxassetid://2464206362' UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, IsTyping) if IsTyping then return end local KeyPressed = Input.KeyCode if KeyPressed == Enum.KeyCode[Key] and Debounce and Char then Debounce = false Remote:FireServer(Mouse.Hit) local LoadAnimation = Char.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animation) LoadAnimation:Play() wait(3) Debounce = true end end)
And in Server Script services I put this script
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Remote = ReplicatedStorage.LightningEvent local Lightning = ReplicatedStorage.LightningBolt local Damage = 10 local ServerDebounces = {} Remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, Mouse) if not ServerDebounces[plr] then ServerDebounces[plr] = true local Char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait() local LightningClone = Lightning:Clone() Lightning.CFrame = Char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,0,0) Lightning.Parent = workspace ServerDebounces[plr] = false local Debounce = true LightningClone.Touched:Connect(function(h) if h.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and h.Parent.Name ~= plr.Name and Debounce then Debounce = false local Enemy = h.Parent.Humanoid Enemy:TakeDamage(Damage) wait(1) LightningClone.Effect.Enabled = false wait(1) LightningClone:Destroy() Lightning:Destroy() wait(3) Debounce = true end end) end end)
I know that there are still some things that are not needed and I can fix that latter, but I cant wrap my head around how to make the projectile that's pretty long start near me, and the other end where my curser is, this script just brings the middle of the "lazer" and places it infront of me, which isnt where I want it.
I honestly thought just taking away body-velocity and making a projectile script would work, but it seems Im not too bright