Alright The Minigame script Works But, the Message and Hint Stay on screen the whole time and on the 15th line there is a error.
gamewait = 20 -- How long to wait between minigames hin ="Hint") mes ="Message") hin.Name = "GameHint" mes.Name = "GameMessage" Games = {"Original Sweeper","Sword Sweeper","Hammer Sweeper"} -- Model your minigames, and put their names here in their proper order! hin.Parent = game.Workspace Numofplayers = 2 hin.Text = "It is required to have at least " ..Numofplayers .." players in the server to start. If there is " ..Numofplayers .." or more players, your game will start shortly." CheckSpawns = {"Spawn1","Spawn2","Spawn3","Spawn4","Spawn5","Spawn6"} --Put the name of your spawns for each minigame here. One of these lines for each minigame. In order! Make more of these. Spawns = {CheckSpawns} -- The names of the groups of spawns go here in order of minigames! Cuga = 0 -- Leave this alone! Howto = {"Avoid the sweeper by jumping over it!"} -- Put the minigame(s) description here in order of your minigames! Gamestucture = {game.Workspace:findFirstChild("Original Sweeper"):clone()} -- Nil value error Gamestucture = {game.Workspace:findFirstChild("Sword Sweeper"):clone()} Gamestucture = {game.Workspace:findFirstChild("Hammer Sweeper"):clone()} -- This allows the minigames to go into Workspace. One for each minigame. The name(s) must be right! Waittime = {100} --- How much time is in each minigame in order! Points = {1} ---How many points the minigames give in proper order -- Put the name of the weapon group here. If there are no weapons, just put "". for i=1, #Games do game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Games[i]):remove() end function performrandom(gamenum) for i=1, #Path do path[i] = math.random(1, #Games) end end while true do if game.Players.NumPlayers > Numofplayers - 1 then hin.Parent = game.Workspace for i=0, gamewait do hin.Text = "Next Game Starts In: " ..gamewait - i .." Seconds." if game.Workspace:findFirstChild("Non") then else wait(1) end end if game.Workspace:findFirstChild("Non") then game.Workspace:findFirstChild("Non"):remove() end hin.Text = "Deciding Sweeper" mes.Parent = game.Workspace if game.Workspace:findFirstChild("Tag") then if game.Workspace.Tag.Value < #Games + 1 then Cuga = game.Workspace.Tag.Value mes.Text = "An Game Decider Has Requested the Game To Be Game: " game.Workspace.Tag:remove() wait(2) end else for i=1, #Games do mes.Text = Games[i] wait(.1) end for i=1, #Games do mes.Text = Games[i] wait(.1) end for i=1, #Games do mes.Text = Games[i] wait(.1) end for i=1, #Games do mes.Text = Games[i] wait(.1) end Cuga = math.random(1, #Games) --Starts Testcode #1 for i=1, Cuga do mes.Text = Games[i] wait(.1) end --Ends Testcode #1 --Cuga = performrandom(#Games) --mes.Text = "Game is: " ..Games[Cuga] -->(REPLACED WITH TESTCODE #2) mes.Text = "Sweeper is: " ..Games[Cuga] wait(3.5) end if Howto[Cuga] ~= "" then mes.Text = Howto[Cuga] wait(4) end listPlayer = game.Players:GetChildren() b = 1 for i=1, #listPlayer do if b > #Spawns[Cuga] then b = 1 end arf = listPlayer[i].Name if game.Workspace:findFirstChild(arf) then body = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(arf) if body ~= nil then if body:findFirstChild("Humanoid") and body:findFirstChild("Torso") then --body.Torso.CFrame = Game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Spawns[Cuga]).CFrame local teleportto=game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Spawns[Cuga][b]) if teleportto~=nil then local torso = body.Torso local location = {teleportto.Position} local i = 1 local x = location[i].x local y = location[i].y local z = location[i].z x = x + math.random(-2, 2) z = z + math.random(-2, 2) y = y + math.random(2, 5) local cf = torso.CFrame local lx = 0 local ly = y local lz = 0 torso.CFrame =,y,z),,ly,lz)) end end end end b = b + 1 end newworld = Gamestucture[Cuga]:clone() newworld.Parent = game.Workspace wait(.2) --Starts Testcode #3A playerchildren = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #playerchildren do arf = playerchildren[i].Name if game.Workspace:findFirstChild(arf) then body = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(arf) if body:findFirstChild("Torso") then body.Torso.Anchored = false end end end --Ends Testcode #3A if Weapons[Cuga] ~= "" then for i=1, #listPlayer do for a=1, #Weapons[Cuga] do if game.Lighting:findFirstChild(Weapons[Cuga][a]) then newwep = game.Lighting:findFirstChild(Weapons[Cuga][a]):clone() newwep.Parent = listPlayer[i].Backpack end end end end for i=1, #listPlayer do local newtag ="StringValue") newtag.Name = listPlayer[i].Name newtag.Parent = script newtag.Value = "Winner" local PlayerCheck = script.Parent.PlayerLeft:clone() PlayerCheck.Disabled = false PlayerCheck.Parent = newtag end mes.Text = "GO!" --Starts Testcode #2B for i=1, #playerchildren do arf = playerchildren[i].Name if game.Workspace:findFirstChild(arf) then body = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(arf) if body:findFirstChild("Torso") then body.Torso.Anchored = false end end end --Ends Testcode #2B if newworld:findFirstChild("Enabled") then wait(6) newworld:findFirstChild("Enabled").Value = 1 end mes.Text = "" i = 0 while i <= Waittime[Cuga] do hin.Text = "Game Ends In: " ..Waittime[Cuga] - i .." Seconds." i = i + 1 findchildren = script.Parent:findFirstChild("Game Script"):GetChildren() if #findchildren > 1 then else i = Waittime[Cuga] + 1 end wait(1) end childrenwinners = script.Parent:findFirstChild("Game Script"):GetChildren() messagetosay = "Nobody" for i=1,#childrenwinners do if i > 1 then messagetosay = messagetosay .." & " ..childrenwinners[i].Name else messagetosay = childrenwinners[i].Name end childrenwinners[i]:remove() end if #childrenwinners < 2 then messagetosay = messagetosay .." has won!" else messagetosay = messagetosay .." have won!" end mes.Text = messagetosay pointsperplayer = (Points[Cuga] * game.Players.NumPlayers) / #childrenwinners for i=1,#childrenwinners do if game.Players:findFirstChild(childrenwinners[i].Name) then player = game.Players:findFirstChild(childrenwinners[i].Name) if player~= nil then if player.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then if player.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("roblox") then if player.Character.Torso.roblox.Texture == "" then player.leaderstats.Points.Value = (player.leaderstats.Points.Value + (pointsperplayer)) end end end player.leaderstats.Points.Value = player.leaderstats.Points.Value + (pointsperplayer) end end end newworld:remove() wait(3) mes.Text = "" hin.Text = "" else mes.Text = "" hin.Text = "It is required to have at least " ..Numofplayers .." players in the server to start. If there is " ..Numofplayers .." or more players, your game will start shortly." end wait(5) end
Any help at all would be nice.