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Datastore Roblox Character Appearance?

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

Hey, I was wondering if it was possible to datastore (i think thats what it is) peoples appearance because I have a customization menu that doesn't save if a person resets/leaves.

if you have a customization menu with a specified amount of things, you can do this. depends a bit on how you do the customization. You could store what elements a player has customized and with what (as strings/numbers) and save it to their datastore. That way you can load it when they enter and you will be able to set it back. Let us know how your costumization looks like so we can help further! Rubenske1 89 — 6y
I would imagine you could just use a table and save that? despicablejack2005 83 — 5y
ye WyattagumsBackUp 5 — 5y
It really depends on what kind of customization your game has. You could make a single string somewhat like "43823423(_)38290402". In this case "(_)" is the string you use to split the hat ids and you can turn it into a table. You might also want to make individual variables for what the player is wearing ex. "local hat = 9393924" and store those, as the string is only used as the inventory. User#21527 0 — 5y

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