I was about finshed making a playable verison of my minigames but the next day i see that its no longer working.
``minigames = game.Lighting.Minigames:GetChildren()
h = Instance.new("Hint", game.Workspace)
local players = game:GetService("Players")
function removePlate() local plates = game.Workspace.DissapearingPlates.Plates:GetChildren() local ranNum1 = math.random(1, #plates) local ranNum2 = 1 while ranNum1 == ranNum2 do ranNum2 = math.random(1, #plates) wait() end local plateChosen = plates[ranNum1] local plateChosen2 = plates[ranNum2] for i = 0, 1, 0.05 do plateChosen.Transparency = i plateChosen2.Transparency = i wait() end plateChosen:Destroy() plateChosen2:Destroy() end
while true do
if game.Players.NumPlayers >1 then h.Text = "Choosing map..." wait(3) ranGame = math.random(1, #minigames) gameChosen = minigames[ranGame] h.Text = "Map chosen: " .. gameChosen.Name wait(3) gameChosenClone = gameChosen:Clone() gameChosenClone.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3)
--(THIS IS WHERE THE TELEPORTING PART BEGINS) --Teleporting people to map spawns = gameChosenClone.Spawns:GetChildren() for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do name = v.Name check = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(name) if check then checkHumanoid = check:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if checkHumanoid then v.Character:MoveTo(spawns[i].Position) v.ingame.Value = true end end end -- THIS IS WHERE THE TELEPORTING PART ENDS for i = 3, 1, -1 do h.Text = "Game begins in " .. i wait(1) end
if gameChosenClone.Name == "DissapearingPlates" then timeTillGameEnds = 20 wait(1) --Countdown until the game ends for i = timeTillGameEnds, 1, -1 do h.Text = "Time Left: " .. i removePlate() end elseif gameChosenClone.Name == "Ghost Test" then timeTillGameEnds2 = 20 game.Lighting.Pistol:Clone().parent = players.Backpack end wait(1) for i = timeTillGameEnds2, 1, -1 do h.Text = "Time left: " .. i end -- Insert other minigame here (This row) end h.Text = "Game over!" wait(3) h.Text = "Giving points to players who won!" for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers())do ingame = v:FindFirstChild("ingame") if ingame then if ingame.Value == true then v.leaderstats.Points.Value = v.leaderstats.Points.Value + 5 end end end gameChosenClone:Destroy() else h.Text = "Waiting for one more player..." end h.Text = "Intermisson..." wait(10)