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why doesnt datastore work but other datastores in the same exact format does?

Asked by 6 years ago

Im trying to make a datastore. I know that this script works, but when i go to make it save a different value, it errors out and i have no idea. Why?

01local currencyName = "Company1PromotionCurrent"
03local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("Company1PromotionCurrent")
05    wait(1)
06    local currency = player:WaitForChild("PlayerValues"):WaitForChild("OtherValues"):WaitForChild("CompanyValues"):WaitForChild("PromotionCurrent").Value
07    local ID = currencyName.."-"..player.UserId
08    local savedData = nil
09    pcall(function()
10        savedData = DataStore:GetAsync(ID)
11    end)
12    if savedData ~= nil then
13        currency.Value = savedData
14    end
18    local ID = currencyName.."-"..player.UserId
19    DataStore:SetAsync(ID,player.PlayerValues.OtherValues.CompanyValues:FindFirstChild("PromotionCurrent").Value)

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Answered by 6 years ago

Yoyoyoyoyoyoyoo I use to have this problem. U wanna know why? Its because when you load in, if you have previously used that datastore you will be loading a different type of value then its like.. "Bro... what da heck.. You just saved me as a boolean but now you are trying to change me into a integer? Get lost..".

I hope that explained it. To fix it either change the name of the datastore into something where u dont have any values saved yet. Orrrr, just make the value into nothing, and just let it be then make different values. If this is confusing contact my discord getzum#9659

I had this problem and I never knew why but after a month I was like... oh.. yeah im dumb.


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