For example, say I had something like this:
1 | mouse = Game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse(); |
2 | mouse.KeyDown:connect( function (key) |
3 | if key:lower() = = 'e' then |
4 | "Explosion" ,mouse.Target) |
5 | end |
6 | end ) |
7 | --Please note that I'm not actually using the above code for anything, it's just an example. |
The new filtering doesn't allow of using in a LocalScript from what I know about it, so how would I go about doing something like this?
You need to use RemoteFunctions - these ARE allowed to be used with FilteringEnabled.
This goes on the server script:
1 | local RemoteFunction = "RemoteFunction" ) |
2 | RemoteFunction.Name = "CreateExplosion" |
3 | RemoteFunction.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage |
4 | function RemoteFunction.OnServerInvoke(Position) |
5 | local new = "Explosion" , game.Workspace) |
6 | new.Position = Position -- note: explosions have a position property, putting them in a random part just creates an explosion on (0,0,0) |
7 | end |
This in the client:
01 | function CreateExplosion(pos) |
02 | game.ReplicatedStorage.CreateExplosion:InvokeServer(pos or Vector 3. new( 0 , 0 , 0 )) |
03 | end |
04 |
05 | mouse = Game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse(); |
06 | mouse.KeyDown:connect( function (key) |
07 | if key:lower() = = 'e' then |
08 | CreateExplosion(mouse.hit.p) |
09 | end |
10 | end ) |
01 function CreateExplosion(pos) 02 game.ReplicatedStorage.CreateExplosion:InvokeServer(pos or,0,0)) 03 end 04
05 mouse=Game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse(); 06 mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) 07 if key:lower()=='e' then 08 CreateExplosion(mouse.hit.p) 09 end 10 end)
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