So, I couldn't figure out how to do damage with a script, then I got some help. Now, another problem has happen.
BTW This is a local script.
elseif combo == 2 then wait(combo_delay3) combo = 3 print(combo) ComboGui.Text = "L - R - R" local SS = script.SlashSound:Clone() SS.Parent = Character.Head SS:Play() local animTrack = Player.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.Animation3) animTrack:Play() Character.RightFoot.Touched:connect(function(hit) if hit.Parent.Humanoid and dmg == true then hit.Parent.Humanoid:TakeDamage(8) dmg = false wait(1) dmg = true wait(2.5) ComboGui.Text = "" end end) end end end end) --Not showing full script so people don't copy
The damage only shows up for the player doing the attack, anyway to fix this? Thanks.
The client doesn't replicate many things onto the server, with the new FE Update; regardless whether you checked that FilteringEnabled box or not your game will automatically be converted to FE. In short, you can't put this in a local script otherwise the damage will only be displayed to one player instead of the rest. Here is a link for help on how to understand how FilteringEnabled works: