Vehicle Clone Doesn't Drive After Spawned. How do you make it drive?
I have been trying to make a vehicle spawn next to the player when the inventory spawn button is clicked. I got the vehicle to clone and spawn next to me, but it doesn't drive when I go in. I am testing the spawn button with the Van in the toolbox, the scripts and the Vehicle Seat will not work.
01 | local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
03 | local charPart = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart |
05 | local Inv = player.PlayerGui.Inventory |
07 | local InvSpawn = Inv.Frame.SpawnButton |
10 | InvSpawn.MouseButton 1 Click:connect( function () |
14 | local originalVan = game.Workspace.Van |
16 | local cloneVan = originalVan:Clone() |
18 | cloneVan.Parent = game.Workspace |
20 | cloneVan:SetPrimaryPartCFrame( + 10 , charPart.CFrame.Y + 5 , charPart.CFrame.Z)) |
Van Model :