I am quite confused here, I am playing around with teams. I do not know what to do to make someone in a team, with this script
1 | a = Instance.new( "Team" , game:GetService 'Teams' ) |
2 | a.Name = "TeamExample" |
3 | a.TeamColor = BrickColor.Random() |
1 | local a = Instance.new( "Team" , game:GetService 'Teams' ) |
2 | a.Name = "TeamExample" |
3 | local newTeamColor = BrickColor.Random() |
4 | a.TeamColor = newTeamColor |
5 | --Edit the following for your own needs |
6 | Game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect( function (plr) |
7 | plr.TeamColor = newTeamColor |
8 | end ) |