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How would I insert this music into the PlayerGui?

Asked by 5 years ago

Hi there, so currently I have this script where if a player touches a button, it would clone a RANDOM map from ServerStorage into a folder in the Workspace. Based off of this, how could I play audio so only the player who touched the button would hear on certain maps? (For example, if the player touches the button and "test" map was picked, the "test" audio would play for only the player.)

This is my current script (No mention of any selection of music, just the first part):

local Teleport = "Part3" local part = script.Parent part.BrickColor ="Bright green") function Touch(hit) if hit and hit.Parent and hit.Parent:IsA("Model") then print("OK") else return end if part.BrickColor ~="Bright green") then return end part.BrickColor ="Bright red") local mapstorage = game.Workspace:WaitForChild('nukeeasy') mapstorage:ClearAllChildren() local mapsinserverstorage = game:GetService('ServerStorage').NukeMaps.Easy:GetChildren() local chosenmap = mapsinserverstorage[math.random(1, #mapsinserverstorage)] chosenmap = chosenmap:Clone() chosenmap.Parent = mapstorage print() print(hit) print(hit.Parent) print(hit.Parent:IsA("Model")) print(chosenmap) print(chosenmap:findFirstChild(Teleport)) this = true if this == true then wait(2) if hit and hit.Parent and hit.Parent:IsA("Model") and chosenmap and chosenmap:findFirstChild(Teleport) then this = false hit.Parent:moveTo(chosenmap:findFirstChild(Teleport).Position) wait(5) this = true end end part.BrickColor ="Bright green") end part.Touched:connect(Touch)

Please note that this script is in a part in a model in a model in the Workspace.

connect is deprecated, use Connect. green271 635 — 5y
ok TheLionLiar 39 — 5y

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