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Able to put camas into numbers?

Asked by
lomo0987 250 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

Simple question.. Are you easily able to put cama's into numbers? For an example when you use print, "545,345,652" I don't know if there is a way to do that.. What I have planned is to put a number on a GUI TextLable...

(Sorry for the "Other" tag, I don't know if this would fit into anything)

This would be an idea..

A = 357835234
b = math.floor(a/100)
c = math.floor(a/100000)
d = math.floor(a/100000000)

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
10 years ago

No, you cannot use commas in numbers.

This is because it would be ambiguous what this means.

For example, consider the following:

X = 1;
Y = 200;
A, B = X,Y

This will assign A to X (1) and B to Y (200).

But, if we had written

A, B = 1,200

The meaning of this snippet should still be consistent with that of the first, in the separate assignments to A and B.

So using commas in numbers to separate thousands/ten-thousands cannott be a thing.

I know we simply just can't 'add' a cama. but if something like this would be possible.. (Look up and see what I'm talking about) lomo0987 250 — 10y

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