Can someone teach me how to make a script that repeats its over and over and over again.
Use a while loop.
while true do print("I'm cool") wait() end
Make sure to add a wait() in there or studio will crash!
This while loop will loop forever in a script as long as the variable condition is true
local condition = true while condition do wait() end
Additionally you can head over to to learn more about looping and how it works
while true do is the easiest loop you can have,
while true do elite hacker code here end
This depends if you want it too go on forever or a set amount of time.
If you would like it to repeat a certain amount of times do this.
for i = 0,100 do --Code here end
Change '100' too whatever number you want.
If you would like it to repeat forever do this
while true do wait()--make sure you have this. Without it. It will crash the Server/Client. end
If this helps. Make sure to accept my Answer.