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What is the IsA event used for?

Asked by 6 years ago

What is the IsA event used for and how could I use it when trying to make a game?

4 answers

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Answered by
lunatic5 409 Moderation Voter
6 years ago

IsA() is used to check if an instance's ClassName is the same as what you specify. For example:

1if object:IsA("BasePart") then

This will check if the object is a BasePart. You can find the ClassName of an instance in its properties. Here's some more information if you need it:

It is also used to check if it inherits said class. For example, the Part class inherits BasePart. User#19524 175 — 6y
^ Forgot that, my bad. lunatic5 409 — 6y
I kinda understand crypt100 20 — 6y
Try reading the article I linked. It will give more information. lunatic5 409 — 6y
Ok crypt100 20 — 6y
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Answered by
B_rnz 171
6 years ago

What is the IsA event used for? If you're looking to change multiple objects in a parent to something that you want it to be.

How could I use it? Well, if makes your script a lot neater. If you have multiple objects in a Folder, and you want all the specific objects to either destroy or do something you want it to. You would get all those specific objects in that.


1for i, v in pairs(Folder:GetChildren()) do
3    if v:IsA("BoolValue") then
4        v:Destroy()
5    end

Instance: IsA

Hoped this help alot!

Also, the folder can be anything, long as it has children. B_rnz 171 — 6y
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Answered by 6 years ago

What is IsA()

IsA() is a function(not a event). It takes only one parameter

Function Overview

1Object:IsA(string className)

This returns a boolean. This boolean is if it is actually part of the class or if the object you are checking inherits from the class.

Function Example

01local brick = game.Worksapce:WaitForChild("Baseplate")
02local isAPart = brick:IsA("Part") -- Returns true
04-- isABasepart true as well because Part
05-- inherits from the BasePart class
06local isABasepart = brick:IsA("BasePart")
08local isARemoteEvent = brick:IsA("RemoteEvent") -- Returns false
10print("IsA Part:",isAPart) --> IsA Part: true
11print("IsA BasePart:",isABasepart) --> IsA BasePart: true
12print("IsA RemoteEvent:",isARemoteEvent) --> IsA RemoteEvent: false

Pretty much Object:IsA("BasePart") is

1local brick = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Baseplate")
2local isABasepart = brick:IsA("Part") or brick:IsA("Union") or brick:IsA("MeshPart")

This is an alternative to:

01local brick = game.Worksapce:WaitForChild("Baseplate")
02local isAPart = brick.ClassName == "Part" --true
04-- When we check if our brick variable is equal to "BasePart"
05-- It will return false because in properties(find ClassName)
06-- it would say Part
07local isABasepart = brick.ClassName == "BasePart"
09local isARemoteEvent = brick.ClassName == "RemoteEvent" -- Returns false
11print("IsA Part:",isAPart) --> IsA Part: true
12print("IsA BasePart:",isABasepart) --> IsA BasePart: false
13print("IsA RemoteEvent:",isARemoteEvent) --> IsA RemoteEvent: false

Use Cases

I find IsA() to play a decent role in a game. Let's say an example: We are iterating through a model. We have several bool values. Instead of manually coding for them to be true, you iterate the model.

Without IsA()

1for _,child in next,script.Parent:GetChildren() do -- same as pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren())
2    child.Value = true

The problem about the code snippet above is that we are assuming that the child we are currently at is a BoolValue.

What can we do to fix this code?

With IsA()

1for _,child in next,script.Parent:GetChildren() do
2    -- There wouldn't be an error because
3    -- we aren't assuming we are working with a BoolValue
4    if child:IsA("BoolValue") then
5        child.Value = true
6    end

With IsA(), we don't have to worry if our assumption, every child in the model is a BoolValue, making us error.

What if we had Parts,Unions and MeshParts in our model? Let's say we want to make them Transparent. We can easily do this by adding a elseif statement.

1for _,child in next,script.Parent:GetChildren() do
2    if child:IsA("BoolValue") then
3        child.Value = true
4    -- Remember, Parts,Unions and Meshes inherit from the BasePart class
5    elseif child:IsA("BasePart") then -- An alternative conditional
6        child.Transparency = 1
7    end


Pretty much IsA() can help you a little in you game development life. Hopefully you learned a lot from this answer!

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Answered by 6 years ago

isA is used to see what class name your object is.

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