local passId = 161403364 function isAuthenticated(player) return game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(player, passId) end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) if isAuthenticated(plr) then print(plr.Name .. " has bought the game pass with id " .. passId) end end) instance.new("Hat",game.Workspace.Lighting) h = game.Workspace.Lighting.Hat instance.new("Part",game.Workspace.Lighting.Hat) instance.new("Mesh",game.Workspace.Lighting.Hat.Part) h.MeshId = rbxassetid://1031429 h.TextureId = rbxassetid://1031417 local Model = game.Workspace.Lighting.Hat while true do local ModelCopy = Model:Clone() ModelCopy.Parent = Workspace end
Here's your script fixed up. I'd insert a Hat Insert model into my place, Test it in Play Solo, enter the ID, pick up the hat, then bring it to Lightning and in my script, it'd just clone it and parent it. Your way should work.
local passId = 161403364 function isAuthenticated(player) return game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(player, passId) end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) plr.CharacterAdded:connect(function(char) if isAuthenticated(plr) then print(plr.Name .. " has bought the game pass with id " .. passId) Instance.new("Hat",game.Workspace.Lighting) h = game.Workspace.Lighting.Hat Instance.new("Part",game.Workspace.Lighting.Hat) Instance.new("Mesh",game.Workspace.Lighting.Hat.Part) h.MeshId = "rbxassetid://1031429" h.TextureId = "rbxassetid://1031417" local Model = game.Workspace.Lighting.Hat Model.Parent = char.Head end end) end)