This is not a question where I ask somebody to correct a noob piece of Lua. I wanted to ask, to see if anyone can explain why some scripts for sounds only play in Solo. I dont understand why the script doesnt work ingame when 3-5 minutes before in Solo, It worked perfectly fine. Does the music actually play but I just cant hear it?
Put the Sound in the Player's StarterGui :)
Hi Connor. Did you upload the sounds to ROBLOX? If not, you need to upload sounds before everyone can hear them.
If so, did you give them time to be "moderated" and approved? If not, moderation can take several hours to complete. Just be patience, it should be done sometime today.
If not, can you give me details on what your doing exactly? This will help me understand your problem so we can resolve your issue.
Locked by youtubemasterWOW
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