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My gui script works perfectly fine in studio, but not a server test or ingame?

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

Hi there, I have a script for assigning weapons that works perfectly fine in roblox studio, but not in the actual game, or the server test mode. Any help would from coders more experienced than myself would be very appreciated.

When I join the game in any way except for solo test, the GUI does not appear at all.

02player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
03backpack = player.Backpack
04script.Parent.Main.Visible = true
05function chooseClass(class)
06    for i, v in pairs(backpack:GetChildren()) do v:remove() end
07    for i, v in pairs(class:GetChildren()) do
08        if v:IsA("Tool") then
09            v:clone().Parent = backpack
10        elseif v:IsA("HopperBin") then
11            v:clone().Parent = backpack
12        end
13    end
15    script.Parent.Main.Visible = false
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Answered by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

Made a few fixes, since you were using some deprecated code (e.g. remove(), connect())

01player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
02backpack = player.Backpack
03script.Parent.Main.Visible = true
04function chooseClass(class)
05    for i, v in pairs(backpack:GetChildren()) do v:Destroy() end
06    for i, v in pairs(class:GetChildren()) do
07        if v:IsA("Tool") or v:IsA("HopperBin") then
08            v:Clone().Parent = backpack
09        end
10    end
12    script.Parent.Main.Visible = false
13    script.Parent.Title.Visible = false
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You shouldn't be using HopperBins, they are deprecated. If this answer helped you, please accept it and upvote.

Thank you for the detailed response, I had no idea I was so out of date! The new script works perfectly in Studio as well, but absolutely refuses to show up in-game. hulabee 7 — 6y
I edited it, this should work. If it still doesn't, please tell me if there are any errors. Zenith_Lord 93 — 6y
No luck, It still doesnt show up in the game, despite the console not returning any relevant errors. hulabee 7 — 6y
hm Zenith_Lord 93 — 6y
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Could you elaborate on what you want to happen? Zenith_Lord 93 — 6y
I can. In test mode, a GUI appears when a player spawns in for the first time, prompting them to select a class. Once a class is selected, if it functions correctly, it will empty the player's backpack, assign a morph to the player, assign the class's weapons, and hide itself. hulabee 7 — 6y
The script I posted is under a ScreenGui named "WeaponChooser", next to all of the textlabels with scripts inside of each respective one. hulabee 7 — 6y
Do you want the gui to show only for the first time they spawn, and never again (until they rejoin)? Zenith_Lord 93 — 6y
Eventually, but for now I would like it to re-appear after the character respawns. hulabee 7 — 6y

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