So I have this text label and the text in the label shows a timer like this min:sec:hundredths. But the text in the label shakes because the size of the characters in the text are different. I've seen games like Speed Run 4 where there is a timer and the text doesn't shake. Is there any way to fix this?
players = game:GetService("Players") runs = game:GetService("RunService") ended = false start = nil totaltime = nil stage = 0 repeat runs.RenderStepped:Wait() until players.LocalPlayer plr = players.LocalPlayer repeat runs.RenderStepped:Wait() until workspace:WaitForChild("Data"):WaitForChild(plr.UserId):WaitForChild("Stage").Value ~= 0 function start() local starttime = tick() local ttime = nil local undersec = nil local sec = nil local min = nil repeat runs.RenderStepped:Wait() ttime = math.ceil((tick()-starttime)*1000)/1000 undersec = string.sub(ttime,string.len(ttime)-2,string.len(ttime)-1) sec = math.floor(ttime) min = math.floor(sec/60) local m0 = "" local s0 = "" local u0 = "" if min > 0 then sec = sec-(min*60) end if string.len(min) == 1 then m0 = "0" end if string.len(sec) == 1 then s0 = "0" end if string.len(undersec) == 1 then u0 = "0" end script.Parent.Time.Text = m0..min..":"..s0..sec..":"..u0..undersec until ended totaltime = math.ceil((tick()-starttime)*1000) ended = false workspace.Events.REs.Save:FireServer("Ok*m>J^U$#$%^&*ikjnbf!Q#$TYHN",totaltime,"Stage"..stage.."Leaderboards",true,false,false) start() end workspace.Data[plr.UserId].Stage.Changed:Connect(function(val) stage = val - 1 ended = true end) start()