This is my script. I got it from another question but i don't know what it means. Thanks for help
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait(); local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local attacks = { [Enum.KeyCode.Q] = function() local Part ="Part") Part.Parent = workspace Part.CFrame = char.Head.CFrame *,0,-5) wait(3) end; [Enum.KeyCode.E] = function() local Part ="Part") Part.Parent = workspace Part.CFrame = char.Head.CFrame *,0,-5) wait(3) end; } local function ForceDebounce(func) local debounce = false; return function(...) if(not debounce) then debounce = true; func(...); debounce = false; end end end local function ForceDebounceAllAttacks() for i, v in pairs(attacks) do attacks[i] = ForceDebounce(v); end end ForceDebounceAllAttacks(); UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input) for i, v in pairs(attacks) do if(Input.KeyCode == i) then print(i, v); v(); end end end)
Why would you copy code if you don't understand it?
Anyway, this code stores attacks in a table. The key is the keycode and the value is the function which runs when the attack is activated. After that, it loops through the attacks and it changes their function to a debounce system.
Now, the debounce system has a local variable called "debounce". This variable will be toggled on when the attack runs, so it can not be run twice while it is running. After the attack, it is turned off so the attack can run again.
The ForceDebounce
function returns another function which handles this debounce system, so if you run the returned value, it will be using the debounce system.
The final bit of code checks for the key presses and then runs the debounce function if it is the correct keycode.
So basically, in a nutshell: - Stores attacks - ForceDebounce overwrites functions to make sure you can't run the attack while it is running - Checks for inputs and runs the ForceDebounce function
Hope I helped. :)
I'm not the master, but I think it switches debounce true then false when it is false. I don't know what debounce does, but this is just my theory.
Normally Debounce is used to make sure a function is only run once per like action
What I think that debounce does in your script is just to wait until the attacks wait in the table is over before you can do another attack.
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait(); local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local attacks = { [Enum.KeyCode.Q] = function() local Part ="Part") Part.Parent = workspace Part.CFrame = char.Head.CFrame *,0,-5) wait(3) --Attacks Wait end; [Enum.KeyCode.E] = function() local Part ="Part") Part.Parent = workspace Part.CFrame = char.Head.CFrame *,0,-5) wait(3) --Attacks Wait end; } local function ForceDebounce(func) local debounce = false; -- Makes a variable named "debounce" return function(...) if(not debounce) then debounce = true; -- Sets the variable to true func(...); debounce = false; -- Sets it to false end end end local function ForceDebounceAllAttacks() for i, v in pairs(attacks) do attacks[i] = ForceDebounce(v); end end ForceDebounceAllAttacks(); UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input) for i, v in pairs(attacks) do if(Input.KeyCode == i) then print(i, v); v(); end end end)
Where it checks exactly I don't know because I am still very new to scripting, well advanced scripting, and if anyone else knows how to explain this better please do because I would like to know as well how all this work.