Here is the script
while true do wait() if game.Lighting.TimeOfDayLsub(1,3) == "18:" then script.Parent.SpotLight.Enabled = true end if game.Lighting.TimeOfDayLsub(1,3) == "07:" then script.Parent.SpotLight.Enabled = false end end
whenever it reaches 18:00:00 or anytime during 18:00:00 it doesn't turn on the light?
What's TimeOfDayLsub? I think you meant to write this...
while true do wait() if game.Lighting.TimeOfDay:sub(1,3) == "18:" then script.Parent.SpotLight.Enabled = true end if game.Lighting.TimeOfDay:sub(1,3) == "07:" then script.Parent.SpotLight.Enabled = false end end
Marked as Duplicate by TheeDeathCaster, HexC3D, M39a9am3R, and Articulating
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