Local script located in StarterGui:
wait() local DemFormsEvent = game.Workspace.DemFormsEvent local jun = game.Players.LocalPlayer jun.Chatted:connect(function(Msg) local msg = Msg:lower() if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "demon1" then wait(0.1) DemFormsEvent:FireServer() end if string.sub(msg, 1, 13) == "dem1" then wait(0.1) DemFormsEvent:FireServer() end if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "/e dem1" then wait(0.1) DemFormsEvent:FireServer() end end)
Server script located in a RemoteEvent in workspace:
wait() local DemFormsEvent = script.Parent DemFormsEvent.OnServerEvent:connect(function(player) print(player.Name , "Wants to transform") local jun = game.Players.LocalPlayer local demm1 = Instance.new("Decal") demm1.Name = "demm1" demm1.Texture = game.ReplicatedStorage.Dem1.Texture demm1.Face = game.ReplicatedStorage.Dem1.Face demm1.Parent = jun.Character.Head demm1.Color3 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Dem1.Color3 local dema = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter") dema.Texture = game.ReplicatedStorage.dema.Texture dema.Color = game.ReplicatedStorage.dema.Color dema.Rate = game.ReplicatedStorage.dema.Rate dema.SpreadAngle = game.ReplicatedStorage.dema.SpreadAngle dema.Speed = game.ReplicatedStorage.dema.Speed dema.Size = game.ReplicatedStorage.dema.Size dema.Parent = jun.Character:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso") wait(2) dema:Destroy() local aura = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter") aura.Name = "aura" aura.Parent = jun.Character.RightFoot aura.Size = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.Size aura.Texture = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.Texture aura.LightEmission = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.LightEmission aura.Speed = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.Speed aura.SpreadAngle = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.SpreadAngle aura.Rate = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.Rate aura.Color = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.Color aura.Lifetime = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.Lifetime aura.LockedToPart = true local aura2 = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter") aura2.Name = "aura2" aura2.Parent = jun.Character.LeftFoot aura2.Size = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.Size aura2.Texture = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.Texture aura2.LightEmission = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.LightEmission aura2.Speed = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.Speed aura2.SpreadAngle = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.SpreadAngle aura2.Rate = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.Rate aura2.Color = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.Color aura2.Lifetime = game.ReplicatedStorage.dem1a.Lifetime aura2.LockedToPart = true end)
I am still learning about Remote events etc. so don't be rude if i made a ridiculous mistake. I would appreciate some help to learn as fast as possible!
At line 8 in the server script, you attempt to assign the LocalPlayer to a variable:
local jun = game.Players.LocalPlayer
If this is really a server script, then there is no LocalPlayer. You don't need that anyway. You already have the player
variable passed to the function.
Note: :connect
is deprecated, use :Connect
. You can also use workspace
instead of game.Workspace