I know you can do it with places... --Stickmasterluke
function waitForChild(instance, name) while not instance:FindFirstChild(name) do instance.ChildAdded:wait() end end waitForChild(sp,"Configuration") waitForChild(sp,"Decal") waitForChild(sp.Configuration,"Place Id") placeid=sp.Configuration["Place Id"] plID = 3141433 -- id here i made it up -- Place id function check() if placeid and placeid.Parent~=nil and sp:FindFirstChild("Decal") then sp.Decal.Texture="http://www.roblox.com/Thumbs/Asset.ashx?format=png&width=420&height=230&assetId="..plID end end check() placeid.Changed:connect(check)
is there a way to do it with a model