I tried this..
wait(5) game.StarterGui.IntroGui.Background1.BackgroundTransparency = 0.9 wait(1) game.StarterGui.IntroGui.Background1.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 wait(1) -- etc.
Notice, it didnt just end right there :P But, does anybody have any ideas?
plr=game.Players.LocalPlayer if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent==plr then wait(5) for i=1, 10 do wait(1) script.Parent.BackgroundTransparency=script.Parent.BackgroundTransparency-.1 end end
If it didn't work, sorry.
What you did was update the GUI, you need to get the players, then do the code. You can also do what I did, and just update the GUI from inside itself. Just put the above script in Background1. It will subtract .1 from the transparency each second, for 10 seconds, which is easier then what you did above.