I added a gamepass to my game i watched multi videos and i looked at the wiki and i can't find out why it says i don't own the gamepass. (BTW I KNOW FOR SURE I OWN IT)
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) if game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(plr, 4936471) then print("yes") else print("no") end end)
You used UserHasGamepass which is Deprecated, you should be using UserOwnsGamePassAsync, also use MarketplaceService instead of GamepassService.
GamepassID = 4936471 game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) if game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):UserOwnsGamePassAsync(plr.UserId, GamepassID) then print("yes") else print("no") end end)