I have two different commands. :pc 6 gives you a 6 stud wide circle around your feet that you can walk around in. (You can move and it appears where you are) Then, :pc 7 gives you a 7 stud wide circle that follows you around at your feet. The only problem with :pc 7, is that instead of appearing where you are, it teleports you to where it's position is, and makes you stuck facing a certain direction when you move in any direction. These two circles are exactly the same, except their name, and size.
Is there a size limit to unions welded to the player?
game.ReplicatedStorage.Circles.Make.OnServerEvent:connect(function(player, number) print(player) print(number) for i=5,15 do if player.Character then if player.Character:FindFirstChild(i) then player.Character:FindFirstChild(i):Destroy() end end end wait() local clone = game.ServerStorage.Circles[number]:Clone() clone.Parent = player.Character local w = Instance.new("Weld", clone) w.Part1 = player.Character.Torso w.Part0 = clone w.C1 = CFrame.new(0, -3, 0) w.C0 = CFrame.Angles(0, 0, (math.pi/2)) if player.name == "keegaroo65" then clone.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Lapis") end clone.Anchored = false end)
My discord is keegaroo65#1305 if you'd like to talk on discord