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Do metatables work on methods (e.g. table:function)?

Asked by 6 years ago

Do metatables work on tables? I was thinking something like:

01local tab = {}
02local metaTab = {
03    __index = function(tab, i)
04        print(tab, i)
05    end)
07function tab:test(what)
08    print(what)
10setmetatable(tab, metaTab)

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Answered by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

Yes. In Lua 5.2+, that's the only thing metatables work with. In Lua 5.1 (what Roblox uses), metatables can be used with userdatas and tables.

No I mean will __index fire if I do table:function() User#22219 20 — 6y
Oh, sorry for the late reply. The answer is yes... but not in your example. __index is only invoked when you're indexing a nil value, and tab.test isn't a nil value when you index it. Keep in mind this works because tab:test() is the same as tab.test(tab). A way to get around this would be to have a proxy and add test to the proxy instead, but still set tab's metatable to metaTab. Then, in __in... NewVoids 97 — 6y
dex index the proxy with the key that tab was indexed with, and return that value. This way, there will never be a value in tab so it'll always invoke __index. You can even set __newindex of tab to automatically insert the value into the proxy instead of tab. NewVoids 97 — 6y
Is there a way to do it indexed? User#22219 20 — 6y

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