I'm trying to attach a part to the back of my uppertorso using a weld. I've tried using * CFrame.new (0, -1.5, 0) to get it to the surface of the back of my uppertorso, and I can never get it right. Here's what I have so far:
local unequipWeld = Instance.new("Weld", player.Character.UpperTorso) unequipWeld.Name = "UpperTorsoUnequipWeld" unequipWeld.Part0 = unequipWeld.Parent -- My UpperTorso unequipWeld.Part1 = Sword.Blade -- The part I want to attach to my back unequipWeld.C0 = unequipWeld.Parent.CFrame * CFrame.new (0, -1.5, 0) -- Me trying to position the part to my back
Is there any way that I could get the part to attach to my back? Any help is appreciated.
If all you're trying to do is attach the part, try using a WeldConstraint
If you use that, all you need to do is CFrame the part and set WeldConstraint.Part0 to the UpperTorso, and WelConstraint.Part1 to the Sword.
This CFrame may work...
local position = Sword.Blade.CFrame = UpperTorso.CFrame * CFrame.new(UpperTorso.CFrame.lookVector) * -1 -- I apologize if that's wrong hard to see what it's doing when not in Studio.