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Making a spaceship tilt towards where the player's camera is facing?

Asked by 5 years ago

I was trying to make a spaceship using BodyMovers. It is able to move like a regular vehicle, but I was having trouble making it able to tilt towards the player's camera, without which it can't fly. Below is the drive script so far anyways.

--Main Script for the spaceship
--By Ultimate_Miner64

script.Parent.MaxSpeed = script.Parent.Settings.MaxSpeed.Value

maxspeed = script.Parent.MaxSpeed

script.Parent.BodyPosition.Position = script.Parent.Position

script.Parent.BodyGyro.cframe = script.Parent.CFrame

value1 = 0

while true do


if script.Parent.Throttle == 1 then

    script.Parent.BodyPosition.Position = script.Parent.Position

    if value1 < maxspeed then value1 = value1 + script.Parent.Settings.Acceleration.Value end

        script.Parent.Driving.Value = true

        script.Parent.BodyVelocity.velocity = script.Parent.CFrame.lookVector*value1

        script.Parent.Left.Value = false

        script.Parent.Right.Value = false

if script.Parent.Throttle == 0 then 
    local VelocityX = script.Parent.BodyVelocity.velocity.X
    local VelocityY = script.Parent.BodyVelocity.velocity.Y
    local VelocityZ = script.Parent.BodyVelocity.velocity.Z

    script.Parent.Driving.Value = false

    script.Parent.BodyVelocity.velocity = / 1.01, VelocityY, VelocityZ / 1.01)

    script.Parent.Left.Value = false

    script.Parent.Right.Value = false


if script.Parent.Throttle == -1 then

    if value1 > - maxspeed then value1 = value1 -script.Parent.Settings.Acceleration.Value end

        script.Parent.Driving.Value = true

        script.Parent.BodyVelocity.velocity = script.Parent.CFrame.lookVector*value1

        script.Parent.Left.Value = false

        script.Parent.Right.Value = false


if script.Parent.Steer == 1 then

    script.Parent.BodyGyro.cframe = script.Parent.BodyGyro.cframe * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,- script.Parent.Settings.TurnSpeed.Value,0)

    script.Parent.Driving.Value = true

    script.Parent.Right.Value = true

    script.Parent.Left.Value = false


if script.Parent.Steer == -1 then

    script.Parent.BodyGyro.cframe = script.Parent.BodyGyro.cframe * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,script.Parent.Settings.TurnSpeed.Value,0)

    script.Parent.Driving.Value = true

    script.Parent.Left.Value = true

    script.Parent.Right.Value = false


Help would be appreciated.

1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago

Managed carrying this out. So what I did was I made a RemoteEvent in ReplicatedStorage. Every .1 seconds, the script inside the VehicleSeat checks which player is sitting in the seat, then calls FireClient() on the RemoteEvent for the player who is driving the spaceship. Then I inserted a LocalScript into StarterPlayerScripts, which listens for the event. When called on this player, the LocalScript changes the CFrame of the VehicleSeatto the CFrame of the workspace.CurrentCamera.


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