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How would I get the name of a table object?

Asked by 6 years ago

Say I have this script...

1local Passes = {["DjDoor"] = 4846905
2            }

How would I be able to to get the name "DjDoor" if I had the ID 4846905? Would I have to make ["DjDoor"] an array and add another string like this...?

1local Passes = {["DjDoor"] = {4846905, "DjDoor"}
2            }

Or is there another way to obtain it?

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Answered by 6 years ago

Just use a key-value for loop:

1for key, value in pairs(Passes) do
2    if value == 4846905 then
3        print(key, value) -- You can access both
4    end
Thanks, for some reason I thought that would have returned the index number. climethestair 1663 — 6y
No worries, we all get those brain dead moments lol ScrewDeath 153 — 6y

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