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What order should I learn Lua in?

Asked by 11 years ago

I've already learned most of the basics of Lua, but I don't really know what order I should learn the lessons in. Because if you try taking this lesson before you took another one, you'll have no idea what's going on. And it gets confusing and it can take a really long time to learn stuff.

None of the lessons are in order (besides the first four), so it's almost impossible to know which one to take first.

So I'm asking if anyone could give me an order of somewhat of lessons I should learn, because I've been at this for months and I'm not getting that far.

if you mean the lessons on LuaLearners, then there is not a specific order after the first six on the beginner course. MrNicNac 855 — 11y
Exactly what I'm saying. There's no order after that, so I was wanting to know if someone could give me a good order to take the other lessons in. ImmenseKassing 120 — 11y
I'm working on brushing up some lessons, and I'll get you a list in a moment. TheLuaWeaver 301 — 11y
Thanks. ImmenseKassing 120 — 11y
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Uh, so are you going to get me a list? ImmenseKassing 120 — 11y
I'm guessing that's a no? ImmenseKassing 120 — 11y

2 answers

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Answered by 11 years ago

Here are some ways you can learn: Go to Roblox wiki and Lua help or scripting help and look at the basics FIRST. Another one is you can look at 'PeasFactory' on YouTube to look at peaspod's tutorials on scripting. He has a beginners series and then advanced. It will help you A LOT. Always do beginners and basics first.

Thanks! I've actually been looking for video tutorials on scripting, but I've never really found complete ones. I hope it helps! ImmenseKassing 120 — 11y
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Answered by 11 years ago

Well first, figure out what you want to learn. If you want to learn how to make GUIs, then find a tutorial on the wiki for it. Whatever tutorials you are using, try doing a topic that interests you. If you don't understand it, then find out what you don't understand and learn about it!

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