Hello. I have been trying so hard to get this script working but so far not good. I am trying to save bool values in a folder in the player to see if the player own the car or not. Here is the script:
local dataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("CarDataStore") local prefix = 'usr_' game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) local key = prefix..plr.userId local CamaroOwned = Instance.new('BoolValue',plr) CamaroOwned.Name = "CamaroSSOwned" local LamOwned = Instance.new('BoolValue',plr) LamOwned.Name = "LamborghiniOwned" local getSavedData = dataStoreService:GetAsync(key) for i, v in pairs(getSavedData) do print(i, v) end if getSavedData then CamaroOwned.Value = getSavedData[1] LamOwned.Value = getSavedData[2] else local saving = {CamaroOwned.Value, LamOwned.Value} dataStoreService:SetAsync(key,saving) end end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(plr) local key = prefix..plr.userId local save = {plr.CamaroSSOwned.Value, plr.LamborghiniOwned.Value} for i, v in pairs(save) do print(i, v) end dataStoreService:SetAsync(key,save) end)
nothing saves in the script when i go onto another server so it just does not save. I have been trying for months now. I am trying to make a one time purchase car system. Please give me a descriptive and helpful awnser! Please help!
Do you have any errors in output? If not write this on the top of your script!
game:BindToClose(function() wait(5) end))
this will give the script time to save!