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Why wont this change color?

Asked by 10 years ago

local AxisVectors = {
} do for val = -1, 1, 2 do table.insert(AxisVectors,, 0, 0)) end for val = -1, 1, 2 do table.insert(AxisVectors,, val, 0)) end for val = -1, 1, 2 do table.insert(AxisVectors,, 0, val)) end end

local TangentVectors = {}

do for i = 1, #AxisVectors do TangentVectors[AxisVectors[i]] = {} for ii = 1, #AxisVectors do if AxisVectors[i]:Dot(AxisVectors[ii]) == 0 then table.insert(TangentVectors[AxisVectors[i]], AxisVectors[ii]) end end end end

function GetRandomAxisVector() return AxisVectors[math.random(1, #AxisVectors)] end

function GetRandomTangentVector(vec) if not TangentVectors[vec] then dPrint("GetRandomTangentVector: Error - No Vec found for" , vec) return end return TangentVectors[vec][math.random(1, #TangentVectors[vec])] end

function GetRandomFloat(low, high) assert(low < high, "GetRandomFloat: Low is larger than high.") local rand = math.random() rand = rand * (high - low) return (rand + low) end

local CUBE_VELOCITY = 65 local SHIFT_TIME = 0.4 local DAMAGE = 20;

local DebrisService = Game:GetService('Debris') local Owner = script:WaitForChild('Owner') local Cube = script.Parent local touchConn function NukeChildren(obj) for _, child in pairs(obj:GetChildren()) do child:Destroy() end end

function FindCharacterAncestor(part) if part and part ~= Workspace then local humanoid = part:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') if part:IsA('Model') and humanoid and humanoid:IsA('Humanoid') then return part, humanoid end return FindCharacterAncestor(part.Parent) end end

local HitHumanoids = {} function OnTouched(hitPart) local hitCharacter, hitHumanoid = FindCharacterAncestor(hitPart) if hitCharacter and (not Owner.Value or hitCharacter ~= Owner.Value.Character) and not HitHumanoids[hitHumanoid] then hitHumanoid:TakeDamage(DAMAGE) HitHumanoids[hitHumanoid] = true end end

function FlyCube(cube) local velocity = nil for _, vec in pairs(AxisVectors) do if vec:isClose(cube.Velocity) then velocity = vec end end if not velocity then print("Did not find a vec") velocity = GetRandomAxisVector() end for i = 1, math.random(4, 8) do if i == 2 then touchConn = Cube.Touched:connect(OnTouched) end if cube then
local speedCoeff = GetRandomFloat(0.66, 1.33) velocity = GetRandomTangentVector(velocity) local endTime = tick() + (SHIFT_TIME * GetRandomFloat(0.45, 1.67)) while tick() < endTime do local copyCube = cube:Clone() NukeChildren(copyCube) DebrisService:AddItem(copyCube, 1) cube.CFrame = cube.CFrame + (velocity * cube.Size.X)
copyCube.Parent = Workspace if i > 1 then copyCube.Touched:connect(OnTouched) end wait(cube.Size.X / (CUBE_VELOCITY * speedCoeff)) -- wait one cube away end end end


FlyCube(Cube) if touchConn then touchConn:disconnect() touchConn = nil end Cube:Destroy()

It's from a sword script but, It does not say where to change the color. Do I put, script.Parent.BrickColor ="Lime green") That1GuyAidan 4 — 10y

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Answered by 10 years ago

Yeah, BrickColor will work, and yeah script.Parent will help more


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