This is my title if it wasnt limited: Hello, i am an experianced scripter, however, i am making a Dragon Ball Z world with dragon balls and right now i am makaing shenrons list that you pick from to grant a wish, i want to find out if there is a way to detect ( there are 3 different buttons) 3 buttons being clicked so i can detect that happening and take away the gui before they make another wish, Thank You!
I have no IDEA how to do this,the Wishlist is a screenGui, the List is a scrolling frame, the three textbuttons are Gold, Immortality, and Speed, so this is my BEST guess:
Script: game.Workspace.Shenron.Position = player.UpperTorso.Position wait(.4) game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Shanronswords.words.Visible = true wait(10) game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Shanronswords.words.Visible = false game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.WishList.List.Visible = true HERE: while true do if game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.WishList.List.Gold or game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.WishList.List.Immortality or game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.WishList.List.Speed.MouseClick and game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.WishList.List.Gold or game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.WishList.List.Immortality or game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.WishList.List.Speed.MouseClick and game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.WishList.List.Gold or game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.WishList.List.Immortality or game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.WishList.List.Speed.MouseClick then game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.WishList.List.Visible = false else return end wait(.1) end
Script end
bye the way this is WAY off, i know because some is underlined blue and it cant detect me clicking three buttons at once but as i said its my best, anyways to explain it a little, basicly just: while true do check for game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.WishList.List with every option having "and" because it checks it happening at once. Please help me someone!!! :(
hello fellow scripter, it is pretty hard to do what you are requesting for someone to see if possible to do, but maybe the other idea is available and you should try that first before you ask for checking 3 buttons that get clicked. maybe you can creat 3 scripts that are named placeholder1, placeholder2, and placeholder3, and there are scripts in the wish buttons, and when its clicked, it makes that wish unavailable to be clicked again, it disables placeholder1, the other two: one of them is clicked, it disables placeholder 2 and so on...then use a script to keep detecting if all are disabled! this would only work for 3 wish buttons, but its decent start, try this idea before trying anything else more complex, then you can figure out or ask for help to find out how to do this same thing using more wish buttons. thank you.
-Testing1182, experienced scripter using this account to test different ideas and scripting tests.
Hello! i think i might have an answer!!! So maybe what you can do is make three scripts, only one is not disabled (script.Disabled = false), they all say "while true do" and keep checking for a wish button clicked, the enabled one checks for a button clicked, then as testing1182 cleared, you can disable THAT wish from working, then it disables that script after you make a line saiyan
script(check1 or something).Parent(or whatever).Check2.Disabled = false script.Disabled = true
the reason why you disable the first script after is because if you disable it first, it wont execute any more lines of script after that, you might now since you said you have done this for a long time, but just making sure, anyway, the last script (there are 4 scripts) while true do keeps cheking if all are disabled, if true finaly; it says something like all wishe granted, which i guess you can figure out, then make the first check script enabeld aagin for a player to do the wishes again if collects all dragon balls.
psst, get it? i said SAIYAN in my answer XD doo doo doooooo do doo do. XD thank you for your time, i hope this helps!!! :D
THANK YOU SO MUCH An Account dont judge, Thx, first i will try this out a couple times, then if it works, then ill give credit to you, thats some fast thinking too ;D, thank you. R.I.P Tix
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