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Anti-TeamKiller script does not damage NPCs?

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago


EDIT: Original anti-TK script was sorted out, reposting the now correct script with the new weird issue.

I have a sword script, thanks to user ScrewDeath, I was able to fix the error. But now, I can not inflict damage on NPCs who all have the "Humanoid" property. Do I need to set them to a team?

Error is: 00:42:31.079 - Players.Player1.Backpack.BasicSword.SwordScript:6: attempt to index local 'TargetPlayer' (a nil value)

Damage section of the Sword Script:

02local humanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
03if humanoid then
04local TargetPlayer = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(humanoid.Parent)
05    if equipped and character and humanoid and humanoid.Health > 0 and hit and not hit:isDescendantOf(character) then
06        if  humanoid and  humanoid.Health > 0 and not hithumanoids[humanoid] and (TargetPlayer.TeamColor ~= player.TeamColor or not TargetPlayer)
07            then
08            hithumanoids[ humanoid] = true
10            for _, v in pairs( humanoid:GetChildren()) do
11                if v and v.Name == "creator" then
12                    v:remove()
13                end
14            end
15            local tag ="ObjectValue")
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Why do you create an ObjectValue for no reason? User#19524 175 — 6y
For the damage portion. :) Do you have thoughts on the line I pointed out where the TeamColor is wrong? Never2Humble 90 — 6y

1 answer

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Answered by 6 years ago

First thing you should look at when rubber ducking is look and comprehend the actual error you are being given: "TeamColor is not a of Humanoid". I'm just going to assume you left out 'member' or something off that error.

So, TeamColor is apparently not a valid property of Humanoid. Bam. There's your problem. You're tryna read something that don't exist. What you would probably want to do is use the humanoid's parent (or the character model) 's name and game.Players:GetPlayer(model.Name) that. That'll give you the player object which is the thing you're looking for.

PS: You say it's FilteringEnabled but I don't see a call to a remoteFunction/Event anywhere. Haven't really tinkered w/ that stuff much so I might be wrong...

Thanks for the response it helped me clear the cobwebs, yes, word left out was my fault. Got around that with game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(humanoid.Parent) which successfully allowed me to not hurt team members while still inflicting damage on the opponent. The script is FE, I only included one small section of it and mentioned it was FE, in case suggestions offered were to the contrary. Never2Humble 90 — 6y
Strangely now though, players are unable to damage NPC characters, which is weird as all the NPCs have the "Humanoid" property too. Is it because they're not on a team? Never2Humble 90 — 6y
That's probably the problem. A way around that would just to alter the condition so it's if (playercolors match) OR (no player exists) ScrewDeath 153 — 6y
Very weird, how would you go about scripting that? I edited my original post with the updated, working, script. Thank you again for your thoughts! Never2Humble 90 — 6y
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This should work "... and (TargetPlayer.TeamColor ~= player.TeamColor or not TargetPlayer)" ScrewDeath 153 — 6y
Hmm, I added that, and I get this error from Line 3 when attacking an NPC: 00:27:30.354 - Players.Player1.Backpack.BasicSword.SwordScript:3: attempt to index local 'humanoid' (a nil value) Never2Humble 90 — 6y
You probably attacked a non-NPC that doesn't have a humanoid. Prolly should surround the whole thing with an "if humanoid then" right after you define humanoid ScrewDeath 153 — 6y
Negative, still unable to hurt NPC's that have "Humanoid" as a property. I updated the first post, cleaned up some of the duplicate variables there. Error line for when hitting NPCs is now: Error is: 00:42:31.079 - Players.Player1.Backpack.BasicSword.SwordScript:6: attempt to index local 'TargetPlayer' (a nil value) Never2Humble 90 — 6y
TargetPlayer is nil, what do you do? make sure you try to check that is nil before you access stuff from it (e.g "TargetPlayer.TeamColor") ScrewDeath 153 — 6y
Also make sure you're adding parentheses to the condition like I did above to ensure that it's executed in order ScrewDeath 153 — 6y
Thanks for the response! I added the parentheses , edited the first post again to show, still getting the same error, TargetPlayer is nil. I got nada, NPCs stopped receiving damage after I specified the TeamColor stuff. Never2Humble 90 — 6y
I'm unsure why TargetPlayer is nil, when TargetPlayer is grabbing the humanoid from the model, and all my NPCs have the standard "Humanoid" property in them, and were receiving damage prior. Never2Humble 90 — 6y
In the end prolly not the most efficient approach, but all you need is to add ... (TargetPlayer and TargetPlayer.TeamColor ~= player.TeamColor or not TargetPlayer) ScrewDeath 153 — 6y
SUCCESS. :D thank you very kindly good sir. Never2Humble 90 — 6y

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