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MarketplaceService: 'Parsed Invalid JSON. Data may be corrupted.' Bug?

Asked by 5 years ago

Marketplace::UserOwnsGamePassAsync: Parsed Invalid JSON. Data may be corrupted. Stack Begin Stack End

I started to get this error ever since I enabled studio access to API services. However, after editing in studio for a few minutes, the error seemed to go away but comes back after starting up my pc. It occurs in online servers and studio. Any solutions?

Script that checks if the player owns the game pass:

local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

function HasGamePass(player)
    if MarketplaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, VIPsettings.ID) then 
        return true 
        return false 
Btw, 'VIPsettings' is in a module that includes gamepass ids awesomeipod 607 — 5y
I am guessing this is a roblox studio or roblox bug. Most likely one of the gamepasses is unobtainable or has no given price. Honestly I have no clue greenhamster1 180 — 5y
All the game passes are on sale awesomeipod 607 — 5y

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