Animations for me only works on the Player who made them? Is there a way to publicise an animation?
Here is the error I get:
11:24:25.998 - Animation "rbxassetid//2035594780" failed to load in "Animation.AnimationId": Animation failed to load
I tried changing to but I get the same error!
There is no way to make public animations currently, RIP. May help
It may have failed to load in to the game if the animation is empty, if you did not upload it correctly or you uploaded it with a file not supported by roblox, this only applies if you didn't make the animation in studio with the plugin.
If you did use the plugin, then maybe it's something to do with the scripts. If you're not sure how to publish an animation however, again, I recommend going here
I do not think it's possible for a published animation to only work on the maker, it may more likely be due to the scripting or the way it's published.
PS, I think they require you to add "?" in the titles to make sure what you're asking is a question and not random statements or requests. So even if you did ask a statement, adding the ? may make it look more like a question.
If you are using someone else's animation, IT WILL NOT WORK. You can only use animations from ROBLOX and animations you created.
This is because you are using some-one else's animation. Currently roblox does not allow this, you will have to make your own animation for this to work.
If this helped please click the check button! c: