for i = 1,#permission do if (string.upper(name) == string.upper(permission[i])) then return true end end
I am a beginning scripter and I just encountered a Card Door Model that I searched and it had this. I understand the rest but this is the part where I don't understand. Any help?
the "for i =" is a basic for loop that is used to do things multiple times. For example, if you wanted to do something 4 times you could do this:
for i = 1, 4 do print(i) end
You don't need to use for i, you could use for x, or even a work like for Childs = 1, 3 do. And you can even do for i = 1, 6, 2 do, but I don't wanna explain that now.
permission is a Table, and #permission is similar to string.len() except you use it to find how many values are in a table. For example, this would print how many Players are in the Server:
local AllPlayers = Game.Players:GetPlayers() print(#AllPlayers)
And the for i = 1, #permission is similar to for i, v in pairs(Something:GetChildren()) do except it goes through a table. An example of using it in a simple script that kicks anyone called "Kratos232"
local Players = Game.Players:GetPlayers() -- Makes a table of all the players local Name = "Kratos232" -- Person's name you want to kick for x = 1, #Players do -- Scans through table using for loop. if Players[x].Name:lower() == Name:lower() then -- Checks each player in the table if there name == Name(The Variable) Players[x]:Kick() -- Kicks if their Name is Name. else -- Else. print("The Player " .. Players[x].Name .. " is not " .. Name) -- If they're safe it prints "The Player (NAME) is not Name(The Variable)". end -- End. If you didn't know this part it'd be disgraceful...
Well, this was a giant answer, and I bet most of it was useless. Well, I hope some of it helped... Bye!
P.S I prefer to use for x = 1, Something do, because "i" is overused.
is the syntax to get the length of a table. permission
is a table, so #permission
will return how many values are in that table.
Permission is a table. It is calling the table named permission into the "for loop".