I want to make script when all players in team dies will be run next code, when I tried I'm tested and code starts if one player will die in team not all what's my mistake?
for i,b in pairs(game.Teams.Playing:GetPlayers()) do b.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid").Died:connect(function() wait(8) workspace.Map:ClearAllChildren() if Players.Value < 2 then Message.Value = "2 Players are needed!" GameActive = false else gamestart() Message.Value = "Intermission..." end end) end
Something like this should work?
Basically, your problem is that your event fires when ANY humanoid dies. You need to keep track of how many there are, decrement a counter when somebody dies, and when there are 0 remaining, the team is eliminated.
function checkEliminated(counter, team) if counter.Value <= 0 then -- team eliminated end end function beginRound() for _, team in pairs(game:GetService("Teams"):GetChildren()) do if team:IsA("Team") then -- Create a global counter of remaining players in a team local aliveCounter = Instance.new("IntValue", team) aliveCounter.Name = "PlayersRemainingCount" -- Get all the players in this team local teamPlayers = team:GetPlayers() aliveCounter.Value = #teamPlayers for _, p in pairs(teamPlayers ) do if p.Character and p.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then -- When they die, decrement the global counter local conn = p.Character.Humanoid.Died:Connect(function() aliveCounter.Value = aliveCounter.Value - 1 -- Decrement counter conn:Disconnect() -- Make sure that dying again doesn't decrease the counter until the next round checkEliminated(aliveCounter, team) end) else -- If they don't have a character, or they don't have a humanoid, they're already dead aliveCounter.Value = aliveCounter.Value - 1 checkEliminated(aliveCounter, team) end end end end end