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[FE] How to detect Player Amount?

Asked by 5 years ago

Please do not post Wiki related stuff, unless its Extremely Necessary and Will help me majorly!

I have a Player Value in Work space so I need it to gain a certain amount of players but to do it over and over and check so.

while wait(0.1) do
    --Script Here--
#game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren() seems to be what you require? You might want to filter for things that are definitely players with :IsA("Player"). However, not 100% what the question is asking. What do you mean "Player value in workpace"? fredfishy 833 — 5y

2 answers

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Answered by
chomboghai 2044 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
5 years ago

You can get all the players in the server by using the GetPlayers() method in the Players service, which will return a table of the players.

If I wanted to count the number of players:

local numPlayers = 0
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

for _, player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
    numPlayers = numPlayers + 1

print "There are " .. tostring(numPlayers) .. " players in the server right now!"
didn't work :l MarkHasReset 77 — 5y
Did you get an error? What was your output? chomboghai 2044 — 5y
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Answered by
Launderer 343 Moderation Voter
5 years ago

Create a script, not a local script, regular script. Put it in Workspace or ServerScriptService. Create a NumberValue and put it in the script. Now write this in the script

local PlayerCount = script:WaitForChild("NumberValue")
PlayerCount.Value = PlayerCount.Value + 1

local PlayerCount = script:WaitForChild("NumberValue")
PlayerCount.Value = PlayerCount.Value - 1

So basically the value of the NumberValue is the amount of Players in the server at all times. You're welcome.

With this you don't need stupid while loops and stuff, this is all you need right here. So forget your script you were making. Launderer 343 — 5y

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