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Can I GetChildren of only a certain class?

Asked by
Jexpler 63
5 years ago

Can I use :GetChildren() but only have it get children that are, for instance, tools?

4 answers

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Answered by 5 years ago

Yes, you can. By using :IsA() you can easily identify what you want from a group of items. For example let's say you had a model with random items:

local Model = script.Parent

for _, item in pairs(Modle:GetChildren()) do
    if item:IsA('Tool') then
        -- do something to the tool

Hopefully, this helped. Best of luck developer. Comment if you have problems.

Not the best way. Using :IsA() returns classes that INHERIT from that class. Not the actual class. So if item.ClassName == "Tool" then. His question also said of CERTAIN CLASS. User#19524 175 — 5y
You raise an interesting point, but are there any concrete classes which themselves inherit from other, concrete classes? Also, is there ever a situation where it is correct to catch instances of a class, but not of a sub-class? Based on OO-principles I'd argue no. fredfishy 833 — 5y
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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Unfortunately, while this has been requested on the official developer forum, it is not [yet] a feature. You can, however, use a loop containing an if statement to check if an item is a specific class.

local newTable = {}
local items = something:GetChildren()
for i,v in pairs(items) do
    if v:IsA("Tool") then -- Any class can go here.  You can also put multiple statements.
-- do something with newTable here.
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Answered by
fredfishy 833 Moderation Voter
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Use :IsA(className) to check the class of an instance.

function GetChildrenOfType(parent, t)
    children = {}
    for i, v in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do
        if (v:IsA(t)) then
            table.insert(children, v)
    return children
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Answered by
oreoollie 649 Moderation Voter
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

At the moment we are not able to only GetChildren of one class. This can be achieved in a few ways but the best way would be using a generic for loop to add all children of that class to a table.

childrenOfClass = {} -- Table that the children will be put in.
for _, v in ipairs(parent:GetChildren()) do -- Loops through ALL children
    if v:IsA("Class") then -- Checks if child is of a specific class. 
        table.insert(childrenOfClass, v) -- Adds child to table

You could make this more useful by turning it into a function like this:

function GetChildrenOfClass(parent, class)
    children = {} -- Table of children
    for _,v in ipairs(parent:GetChildren()) do -- Loops through ALL children
        if v:IsA(class) then -- Checks if "v" is of class "class"
            table.insert(children, v) -- Adds "v" to table
    return children -- Sends the children back to the line that called it.

If my answer solved your problem, please remember to mark it as correct!

Your definition of IsA is wrong. User#19524 175 — 5y
Your definition of IsA is wrong. User#19524 175 — 5y
No it is not. oreoollie 649 — 5y

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