Hello so i not very much learned scripting and i making simple one system so heres the script but i want that after 30 seconds players will spawn to Map in random map locations? Can you add some script here and Write in Line Titles?
while true do wait(30) game.Lighting.Map1:clone().Parent = game.Workspace wait(180) local msg = Instance.new("Message") msg.Parent = game.Workspace msg.Text = ("Loading next map") wait(4) msg:remove() game.Workspace.Map1:remove() wait(2) wait(30) game.Lighting.Map2:clone().Parent = game.Workspace wait(180) msg.Parent = game.Workspace msg.Text = ("Loading next map") wait(4) msg:remove() game.Workspace.Map2:remove() wait(2) wait(30) game.Lighting.Map3:clone().Parent = game.Workspace wait(180) msg.Parent = game.Workspace msg.Text = ("Loading next map") wait(4) msg:remove() game.Workspace.Map3:remove() wait(2)
Use CFrame and Vector3 to teleport players, https://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=Teleporting_Within_a_Place
Just read that and put it in your script. Please accept my answer if it works because we both get reputation.