They just don't. I can't click them. Also please don't ask me a dumb question like "oh whats the script" and then just walk off.
"Also please dont ask me dumb question like "oh whats the script?" And then just walk off". We ask that "dumb" question because we need to fix your script. We cant without seeing your code.
Anyway, check if the script even works.
Check if the script knows where the button it.
Check if the button is an actually BUTTON and not like text laber or something else.
This is a simple script that will increase your walk speed when you click the button:
Plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() Plr.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 100 --What wver speed you want (default: 16) end)
This should be in LocalScript.
The placement should be like this: StarterGUI -> ScreenGUI -> TextButton -> LocalScript.
Next time you want help, dont be rude. And understand why the hell we need your script. We cant just tell you your problem. There are tons of issues with scripts. And what you want us to do? Sit hours on the same post waiting for your script? No.
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