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Bleed chance on weapons?

Asked by 5 years ago

I am making some weapons, with chances of having bleeding in them. For this example i use the Basic Knife, which has the chance of 20% to bleed for 20 seconds, dealing 1 damage every second, making that a total 20 damage.

I was trying to make this, there are no errors in the script, but for some reason the script makes a 100% bleedchance, and the bleeding only deals a total of 1 damage.

This is my script:

-- Main variables

local hitbox = script.Parent
canDamage = true
canEffect = true

-- Configurations

damage = 35
reload = 0.75
effectChance = 2 --/10

-- Attack

    if (hit.Parent.ClassName == "Model") then
        if (hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidEnemy")) then
            if canDamage == true then
                print(hit.Parent.Name .. " took " .. damage .. " damage")

                local randomEffectChance = math.random(1, 10)
                print("The number of randomEffectChance = " .. randomEffectChance)
                if randomEffectChance == 1 or 2 then
                    if canEffect == true and canDamage == true then
                        canEffect = false
                        print(hit.Parent.Name .. " got an effect")
                        for i = 0, 20, 1 do
                            print(hit.Parent.Name .. " is taking 1 damage")

                canDamage = false
                canDamage = true

BTW, i made the enemy humanoid another name so you cant damage teammates. I called them "HumanoidEnemy", and there is another working script that makes the animations.

Thanks in advance

Shouldn't `if randomEffectChance == 1 or 2 then` be `if randomEffectChance == 1 or randomEffectChance == 2 then`? fredfishy 833 — 5y

1 answer

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Answered by
fredfishy 833 Moderation Voter
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

So the line if randomEffectChance == 1 or 2 then should be if randomEffectChance == 1 or randomEffectChance == 2 then

They way you've got it at the moment is basically if ((randomEffectChance == 1) or (2)) then

Since 2 is a "truthy" value, it basically means that if 2 then always fires, in the same way that if 1 then always fires.

So what you have here is

((randomEffectChance == 1) or (2))

which evaluates to

((randomEffectChance == 1) or (true))

and since the right hand side of the or is always true, the whole thing is always true, giving

if true then

explaining why it always fires.

omg you are amazing, thanks so much for helping :D Bram1507 8 — 5y
Sir! It worked! But i have one other question... Why does my for loop only executes once and does not loop 20 times? Because the zombie im testing it on is only getting 1 damage from the effect in total? Bram1507 8 — 5y
Of that I'm not so sure - what does the output say? Does it say "taking damage" 20 times or just once? fredfishy 833 — 5y
oh hi, sorry for posting lately, i didn't got noticed. uhh it only says that once Bram1507 8 — 5y
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The following seems to work? Not really sure what the problem is because I didn't change anything but your code works on my end. fredfishy 833 — 5y
oh hi again, i was away im sorry for answering so late again XD, if it works on your roblox studio, it should do it one mine, i think i do something wrong. At least thanks for helping and again sorry for answering so lately. Bram1507 8 — 5y

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