I got an infection called "Virus" on all of my parts, and I don't know how to remove it, please help!
local classes = {'Fire', 'Script'} --Add 'Instance' if you want it to affect everything. local names = {'Virus', '1nf3ct0r'} --Remove this line if you want it to affect the object based on its class. function IsA(object) --Check to see if the object's class is within the 'classes' table. for i,v in pairs(classes) do if object:IsA(v) then return true end end end function isName(object) --Check to see if the object's name is in the 'names' table if not names then return true end for i,v in pairs(names) do if object.Name == v then return true end end end function clearVirus() local function recurse(parent) --Go through the object and check its children to see if they are a virus. for i,v in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do --Go through the children if IsA(v) and isName(v) then --If it is the correct class or name v:Destroy() --Destroy the object. return nil end recurse(v) end end recurse(Game) end clearVirus() --Untested, please state the output if it errors.
@KOTwarrior This would just remove the parts. This wouldn't help him in this case considering the pieces were not created. All the parts named "Virus" are parts that this user still wants, so removing them would not be the solution. You first have to find the Virus script and disable/remove it. There's Tazer, which is an anti-virus script that runs while you're scripting. This way, these viruses can not happen. Unfortunately, the damage has already been done, and if you would like to get your parts' names back, you will have to not save and restart your studio. You will lose changes from this, unless you want to find the virus script, disable it, remove it, and rename each part manually.
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