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(Noob Alert) Bullet Movement is Choppy?

Asked by 10 years ago

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So, I'm working on a gun, and when the gun is shot the bullet moves about 1/25 stud p/1/23 second(Slow Bullet LOL) I've tried directing custom coordinates based on where the parent of the bullet is facing, and the custom coord.s don't work. Help! :(

p/1/23? what? I'm confused PiggyJingles 358 — 10y
1/25 a stud per 1/23 a second AlphaPro720 5 — 10y

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Answered by 10 years ago

You'd probly have to change the BodyVelocity of the script, or BodyGyro, because I had this same kind of problem too until I figured out it was BodyVelocity and/or BodyGyro. I hope this helped!


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