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== and = and spacing

Asked by 11 years ago

I read this. I did not understand what it meant. Could anyone expand on this. + What is the difference between = and ==.

"not is simply a negation of a condition. It will be inverted. True becomes false and false becomes true. e.g. (5 == 5) the result is true. At the condition not (5==5) we get false as result. "

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Answered by
jobro13 980 Moderation Voter
11 years ago

You use the = character to set variables. == basically means "check if equal". This will "return" either true or false.

a = 5 -- Set a variable
-- b == 5 -> This is not correct and will result in a syntax error
b = 5 
a = (b == 5) -- This is correct though. It will set a to the result of (b==5). 
print(a) -- prints true, as b equals 5
b = 6
print(b == 5) -- prints false, as b equals 6.
--You can find these statements too in "if - then constructions"
if b == 5 then
print("B equals 5!")
print("B does not equal 5!")
Thx bro. does spacing change anything. liek 5==6 5 == 6 ConnorVIII 448 — 11y
No, spacing does not change anything at all :) You could also write "a = 5" if you would like. jobro13 980 — 11y

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