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Can someone please help me make a script which only follows players?

Asked by 6 years ago

I've searched all over the internet for a follow player only script, but they either don't work or are outdated. The NPCs attack each other not players (they're ignored) Any help is much appreciated (Please also explain the script to me, as i'm a total newbie at Lua scripting) This is my current follow script :-

local larm = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Left Arm")
local rarm = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")

function findNearestTorso(pos)
    local list = game.Workspace:children()
    local torso = nil
    local dist = 1000
    local temp = nil
    local human = nil
    local temp2 = nil
    for x = 1, #list do
        temp2 = list[x]
        if (temp2.className == "Model") and (temp2 ~= script.Parent) then
            temp = temp2:findFirstChild("Right Arm")
            human = temp2:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
            if (temp ~= nil) and (human ~= nil) and (human.Health > 0) then
                if (temp.Position - pos).magnitude < dist then
                    torso = temp
                    dist = (temp.Position - pos).magnitude
    return torso

while true do
    local target = findNearestTorso(script.Parent.Torso.Position)
    if target ~= nil then
        script.Parent.Humanoid:MoveTo(target.Position, target)


I wonder if my damage script does any difference to the NPCs actions but i'll put it here anyways :-

local rarm = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")
local larm = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Left Arm")

function dmg(hit)
    if hit.Parent ~= nil then
        local hum = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
        if hum ~= nil then
            hum.Health = hum.Health -10

Is your game using R15? If so, this could be the cause, because in your findNearestTorso you check for "Right Arm" which isn't present in R15, but rather "RightLowerArm" and "RightUpperArm" Amiaa16 3227 — 6y
The script you use is outdated, filled with deprecated code. It will for sure break your game. User#19524 175 — 6y
I know it’s not your script, and is a site for helping users with self written code, not code from free models. User#19524 175 — 6y
@Kiriot22, how do i check if game used r15. Also would that make it LeftUpperArm and LeftLowerArm too or something? and thx for replying YouEnglish -5 — 6y
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And @incapaz, im sorry but i have no clue when scripting with Lua, and using free models scripts are my only choice at the moment for my game, but i do plan on learning Lua during summer break (properly).  But thx for advice.  YouEnglish -5 — 6y
oh yeah... kiriot is right. I totally forgot that... it would also explain why if I test a game, in my character it says uper and lower arm instead of just, right arm. But I do think that it will still chase anyone tho. nachsor 36 — 6y
And guys i've still not found an answer, even though i've been researching practically 2 hrs a day about lua and the question :(( YouEnglish -5 — 6y
":connect" is deprecated and ":findFirstChild" is too and your game should be r15 mudathir2007 157 — 6y
How do i change those words then? and i am pretty sure my game is r15 @mudathir2007 . Also guys the script in action is like the NPCs in the game Ro-Ghoul on Roblox, so if u want an idea on what I'm asking of u guys. YouEnglish -5 — 6y
:connect is :Connect and findFirstChild is FindFirstChild AlphaSpawn 4 — 5y

1 answer

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Answered by
nachsor 36
6 years ago

Hello you English,

I am also a newbie at scripting(but I'm a big doofus as I'm making an EXTREME complicated game :|) but ill do my best to answer your question :D.

What I understand from your damage script is that when one of your NPC touches something, the humanoid that was touched by your NPC gets damaged by 10. if so, then the script seems good to me except for one thing. I don't know if it is needed but...

rarm.Touched:connect(dmg) larm.Touched:connect(dmg)

is missing the function and should be more like this...

rarm.Touched:connect(function(dmg) larm.Touched:connect(function(dmg)

I hope that would fix your script and it maybe could be why your NPC attack each other... maybe?

Another thing. In the first script, you should tag your enemies and players and make the enemies only search for specific tagged players. need to add this in the first script at the top.

local PlayerTag ="stringValue")

PlayerTag.Name = "Player"

Game.player.PlayerAdded:connect(function) PlayerTag.Clone().Parent = game.players.localPlayer end)

Then, go in the torso of all your enemies and add a stringValue, name it Enemy. For now, what all this does is, add a stringValue to the torso of all your enemies and players. This string value is going to be your tag. Then, cut the 34th line(make sure its cut, so you can paste it back after).After this, under line 33, write the following.

local Tag = findNearestTorso(script.Parent.Torso) if Tag.Player ~= nil then --paste the cut live under me


and voila. It should work... maybe... hopefully? I hope I was any help, and I'm sorry if the script doesn't work. As I said earlier, I'm also a total newbie at scripting.

Kind regards. -Nachsor

P.S.Can someone tell me how to make it show its Lua code, please, its always random with me :|

you see the lua figure on the text tab? you press that and it will spawn two rows of tildes, put the code inside of it. Troyonix 5 — 6y

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