I have 2 separated points from which i want to construct a Region3, and there are several parts located within that region so I can confirm that it's working.
it isn't.
Here's my code--
local reg = Region3.new(script.Parent.Parent.C1.Position, script.Parent.Parent.C2.Position) while wait() do local pts = workspace:FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList(reg, {script.Parent.Parent.C1, script.Parent.Parent.C2}, math.huge) print(#pts) -- Prints 0??? for i, v in pairs(pts) do -- Nothing?? print(v) end end
Edit: Here's a picture of the situation, the two points are neon red -- https://gyazo.com/f92ba09cecc4a8bab49c661851f33dc1