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will someone help me make a anti-teamkill?

Asked by
Prioxis 673 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

I'm making a vip for my game but I want to use a roblox tool but I know that players can use it to kill other players and the anti-TK scripts on roblox still allow people to kill other people will someone help me make a script that just makes it to where the sword doesn't hurt the player at all?

not a request site LoganboyInCO 150 — 6y

1 answer

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Answered by 10 years ago

You could use


But before you do all of that, you must make a statement. I told you how to do this, but i'm not going to be giving you a whole script, because you need to learn yourself.

Thanks for a crappy explanation.. Prioxis 673 — 10y
Thanks for being polite. BugQuestioner -4 — 10y
The way you explained everything wasn't very polite either... Prioxis 673 — 10y
Well all you have to do is look for a linkedsword that has anti team kill in it. Free model it, there's not a thing wrong with free models. BugQuestioner -4 — 10y

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