Tycoon Gamepass "Mesh Chute" Won't work, help me out?
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6 years ago Edited 6 years ago
I suck at scripting
its for my tycoon game
here are the parts: Base, Chute, IDBar
IDBar basics: You can type in the IDBAr
Chute Basics: When a mesh touches the chute, it dissapears
but there is way more than that
This things is supposed to change you drops to a mesh, which only works if you have the gamepass and it requires a ton of scripting
So please dont hide this i really need your help :(
How it works:
You type the ID of the mesh in the IDBar. The mesh appears and drops onto the chute, making the mesh disappear. It then turns your drops into that mesh PLEASE dont hide this i need the script :(
code used for the Chute
1 | for i,v in pairs (script.Parent.Essentials:GetChildren()) do |
2 | if v.Name = = "PartCollector" then |
3 | v.Touched:connect( function (Part) |
(SideNote: this looks compatible with lua, but i literally just copied it from the collectors script which was made by someone else and changed it)
It failed.
code used for the IDBar
1 | script.Parent.OnClick do |
2 | FreeUpSpace.labeltext. type |
3 | script.Parent.MeshID.WasTypedIn then |
4 | Identify.Mesh.CalculateID |
5 | OnceIdentified.spawnmesh |
(Side Note: This code was put in the text label)
This obviously failed, because i don't know lua
code put in workspace
1 | script.Parent OnceMeshIdentified.from |
3 | Parent.Drop Instance.new.SpecialMesh |
4 | SpecialMeshId = IndetifiedMeshID |
Yeah, this failed
I have no idea where to put some of the scripts and I have no idea how to make them work, your help?